Cincuenta años de cultura e investigación en España: la Fundación Juan March, 1955-2005
2005 Book published on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Fundación Juan March
La Fundación Juan March, 1955-1980
1980 Book reviewing the activity carried on in the Fundación's first 25 years
Memorias anuales
1956-PRESENT Record the annual activity of the Fundación and of Instituto Juan March
All the Publications of Fundación Juan March
Directory of all publications generated by Fundación Juan March and Instituto Juan March throughout their history: cultural dissemination publications and periodicals, research papers and other documents generated by the Fundación's cultural activities and its Library. MORE ABOUT
About Fundación Juan March
Publications that explain the origins and history of the Fundación
Periodicals published by Fundación Juan March
Revista y Boletín informativo
1972–PRESENT Containing information on the Fundación's programme of activities
1987-2003 Monthly magazine with book reviews
Cultural Albacete
1984-1985 Information on the activities of the project to promote cultural activities carried out with the Spanish Ministry of Culture in Castilla La-Mancha
Publications for Programming
Titles published to complement a concrete cultural event
Catalogues of the Exhibitions
1973–PRESENT Catalogues and supplementary publications for the exhibitions organised by the Fundación
Museum Catalogues
1983-PRESENT Catalogue-guides to the Museo de Arte Abstracto Español in Cuenca and the Museu Fundación Juan March in Palma de Mallorca
Concert programmes
1976-PRESENT Programme handouts for concerts held at the Fundación
Facsimiles of musical scores
1990-1998 Ediciones facsímiles de partituras de música española contemporánea
Tribuna de jóvenes compositores
1982-1988 Musical scores and recordings of works commissioned by the Fundación to young Spanish composers under thirty
Poética y poesía
2004-PRESENT Collection of selected poems of the poets who take part in the Poetics and Poetry lectures series
Cuadernos de seminario público
1998-2002 Collection of eight seminars held at the Fundación on philosophy, politics, science and contemporary art
Crítica literaria
1977-1989 Collection of three series of lectures on Spanish and Latin American authors. With the publishing house Ediciones Cátedra
1973-1976 Collection of the works presented at the two gatherings held at the Fundación on science and novel. With Marsiega Editorial
Other publications
1972-PRESENT Publications generated by lectures not associated with a specific collection
Library Catalogues
1984-PRESENT Collection of bibliographical repertoires on music and theatre. Includes catalogues of works by composers with private archives in the Library
Scholar Research
Research results of the work done by Instituto Juan March
CEACS: Thesis
1992–2015 Doctoral Theses produced by the Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Ciencias Sociales of Instituto Juan March
CEACS: Working papers
1990–2014 Working papers edited by the Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Ciencias Sociales of Instituto Juan March
CRIB: Workshops
1996-2003 Workshops of the Centro de Reuniones Internacionales de Biología organised by Instituto Juan March
Grants programme
Final reports and summaries
Serie universitaria
1976-1992 1976-1992 Collection of 269 editions summarising the final reports presented by Fundación Juan March grant fellows
Reports by grant fellows
1957-1981 List of final reports of the Fundación Juan March grant fellowship programme (may be consulted at Library)
Compilation of essays regularly published in the Boletín Informativo on activities and in the Revista from 1972 to 2018
Spanish musical theatre
2015-2018 Digital collection of 27 essays on the history of Spanish musical theatre
Printmaking, artists and collections
2012–2014 Collection of essays on 27 Spanish printmakers
2008-2011 Collection of 35 essays on a selection of Spanish composers from the 15th to 20th century
Works in a collection
2004–2007 Collection of 37 essays on works held at the Fundación's museums
Other essays
1972-2003 Collection containing all essays appearing in the Boletín Informativo through 2003 on diverse topics
Commercially published books
Monographs on diverse subjects published by the Foundation in collaboration with other publishers
Españoles eminentes
2012–PRESENT Collection of biographies of Spaniards who stood out in their era and continue to be of relevance in the collective conscience. With Editorial Taurus (only lists the titles published, on sale at bookshops)
1973-2000 Six volumes of essays on art, science, history, language and philosophy. With Rioduero Ediciones
Tierras de España
1974-1988 Collection of 18 volumes written by 60 specialists and containing 8000 illustrations on Spanish regions. With Editorial Noguer
Pensamiento literario español
1976-1980 Collection of seven volumes on the history of Spanish literature. With Editorial Castalia
1971-1979 Collection of 23 volumes by specialists in philosophy, social sciences, medicine and history. With publishing houses Ediciones Guadarrama and Con Ediciones Guadarrama y Ariel.
1973-1975 Three volumes on music, molecular interactions and agricultural law. With Rioduero Ediciones