About All the Publications of Fundación Juan March

Fundación Juan March began publishing in 1963 with its annual report, Anales. One decade later, it expanded this publishing activity with emblematic collections such as Tierras de España (1973), the first exhibition catalogue on the occasion of Arte'73, the monthly news bulletin Boletín Informativo (1975) with more detailed information on the activities carried on at the Fundación, and thematic collections spawned by seminars, lectures and concerts. This activity steadily grew with the inclusion of new titles to make up a boundless source of information on the Fundación's activity over the years and prime reference for studying Spanish cultural history from the second half of the 20th century onwards.

To facilitate knowledge and dissemination of the compilations and research work published by the Fundación and by Instituto Juan March —through the Centro de Reuniones Internacionales de Biología (CRIB) and the Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Ciencias Sociales (CEACR)— the digital portal All the Publications of Fundación Juan March has been set up. It is a unified gateway for searching and consulting all items published since 1963, be they books, musical scores, recording or audio-books, allowing a large number of the titles to be freely read, downloaded and printed out, and containing links to other information available in the Library catalogue or the Fundación's website.
The portal contains close to 4000 items that have been arranged in seven main categories:
- Publications on Fundación Juan March. The publications that describe its origins and history.
- Periodical publications. Created to disseminate its activity and to foster reading.
- Publications relating to the Fundación's cultural activity. Spawned by the programmes of cultural activities (art, music, lectures and library) at the Fundación's premises in Madrid, Cuenca and Palma.
- Research works. The results of the work carried out by Instituto Juan March at its research centres specialised in biology (CRIB) and in social sciences (CEACR).
- Grant fellowships programme. Summaries of part of the final reports presented by Fundación grant fellows. All of the work produced by the grant fellowships programme and special operations can also be consulted in the Library catalogue.
- Mini-essays. Compilation of brief studies by commissioned specialists that are a regular feature of the Fundación's Boletín Informativo news bulletin and Journal.
- Commercially published books. Works on diverse subjects published by the Fundación in collaboration with other publishers.
The Fundación's Library works to preserve its archival documents, thereby contributing to recovery of publications that are otherwise for the most part no longer available, and allowing interested persons to physically consult titles which for different reasons it has not been possible to publish in digital format.
All the Publications of Fundación Juan March digital gateway joins other cultural contents generated by the Fundación that are already available on the Internet, such as the archive of photographs, audio recordings of all lectures and talks, digital access to a large part of the catalogues of exhibitions organised by the Fundación and a large number of concerts organised on its premises.
Term of use and legal notice
The digital contents comprising the Portal are placed at public disposal for interested parties and researches. Users with principal purpose are for teaching and research, may be freely consulted and reproduced in accordance with the pertinent laws governing intellectual property. Readers who make use of the portal for teaching or research must properly cite the sources they utilize, including indication of authors and titles, as well as this database and its URL. Fundación Juan March will be grateful if scholars who use this database in their published research would communicate the pertinent bibliographic information to the Fundación (biblioteca@march.es) so that their work may be included its Library's specialized bibliography.
In terms of the audio music, the Fundación Juan March has signed an agreement with the General Society of Authors and Publishers of Spain (SGAE) for a license for music services on demand without download, "streaming" (license number SGAERRDD/1/1037/1011) through its website (https://www.march.es).